Stretching & Breathwork 

How to Include Stretching into Your Kinisi Flow® Class

1. Choose from one of the stretching videos below. 
Learn & perform the stretch at the beginning of your class.
2. You should use & perform the stretch in your class setting for up to 4-6 weeks before choosing another type of stretching position &/or method.
3. You should use the two stretching types - ie Static Passive or Static Active. 
4. For the static passive stretching we recommend holding the stretched position for 1-3mins max (x1) - before your Kinisi Flow® session.

Stretching Considerations

 Static passive stretching is best suited to a more focused breathwork practice as this will help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which produces a calm, relaxed feeling in the body and mind.  

 This can immediately reduce the sense of anxiety and stress. Therefore will help you & your students move deeper into passive ranges (a deeper stretch) - improving flexibility and will help focus the body & mind for the recovery workout to come for a complete flow experience! 

Breathwork Suggestions

If you wish to add & finish with breathwork at the end of a class we recommend getting into the most relaxed comfortable position possible i.e. laying supine & performing full ‘quite’ breathwork for up to 5 mins.

1. Box breathing- 4/4/4/4 for beginners and 5/5/5/5 or 6/6/6/6 for Intermediate to Advanced.
2. Deep diaphragm breathing - 6 seconds in, hold for 2 seconds (isometric) and out for 8 seconds.
These are guidelines only & you should experiment with what is best for you & your group.

Couch Stretches 

Write your awesome label here.

Static PASSIVE Couch Stretch & Box Breathing

Write your awesome label here.

Static ACTIVE Couch Stretch - CRAC Method

Hip Sleeper Stretch

Write your awesome label here.

Hip Sleeper Stretch - Contract Relax Method

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