Dynamic Pre-Workshop Mobility Conditioning Plans
Video Tutorials
Beginner - Int Level
4-6 Week Plans
Downloadable PDF's
Follow Along Videos
Master The Basics
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Training overview
Your Movement Guide & Body Prep for the Kinisi Flow® Workshop.
This content has been designed to help you prepare mentally & physically for your upcoming workshop.
Your pre Dynamic Training plans
consist of
- Upper Body follow along
- Lower Body follow along
- Day 1 - Dynamic Conditioning Plans
- Day 2 - Dynamic Conditioning Plans
- Warm Down follow along sequence
Each section comes with downloadable PDF plans to track your progress.
Each of the movement & training plans will help you to build connective tissue tolerance, to strengthen, improve body awareness & more.
We advise you do the pre-training for at least 4 weeks prior to attending your workshop with us. But you can begin from any entry point and continue after your workshop day if you choose to do so.